Time to Get Ready For 2025
Next Year's LIVE Parade

Saturday, 8 Nov. 2025
10 a.m at Hilo, HI

2024 March Unit Sequence

Here was our 2024 Parade Line-Up! Check out their inspiring stories of service and sacrifice. Join us and help us grow even stronger and more fun each year.
2024's line up is posted below for our 9 Nov 2024 parade. Please read the POWERFUL STORIES OF SERVICE

(Registered Organizations As of 9 Nov 2024)
1. Hawaii Police Department escort
Our police escort vehicle is from the Hawaii Police Department. The Hawai‘i Police Department is committed to providing the highest quality of police service and forming partnerships with the community making the Big Island a safe place to live, visit, and conduct business. Mahalo to all the Special Duty Officers helping make this parade safe and fun.
2. “Aloha Thunder” Hawaii Island Motorcycles
Welcome to Hilo’s version of Washington DC’s Rolling Thunder motorcycle convoy. Our “Aloha Thunder” motorcycle group today consists of several island motorcycle clubs and others who want to show their support. Led by Jerry Chang, they are here to honor those who have served and sacrificed for our ‘Ohanas, state, and nation. The riders enjoy handing out small American flags to keiki and other parade spectators.
3. US Air Force (Civil Air Patrol Carry Parade banner)
Give a big Welcome to the Air Force Veterans carrying today’s Overall Parade Banner. As a united nation and military, the US Air Force works alongside our brothers and sisters in arms to protect our Nation. We will always fly, fight and win. Aim high, Air Force.
4. Hawaii Air National Guard Color Guard (291 CBCS)
The colors of the United States and the State of Hawaii are being carried today in the Hawaii Island Veterans Day Parade by airmen of Hilo’s own Hawaii Air National Guard from the 291st Combat Communications Squadron, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Krystelle Kenney, please stand and honor the flag as the color guard passes by your position
5. Hawaii County Band (Music)
The Hawaii County Band has been a fixture playing music on the Big Island since 1883, making it the second oldest band in the state. It plays monthly concerts, both in Hilo and Kailua-Kona. The band director is Paul Arceo. As always, we are delighted to have them help us “celebrate service”!
6. Island of Hawaii, OVS – Office of Veterans Services
Kelcie Figueira - from the Office of Veterans’ Services is the principal state office responsible for the development and management of policies and programs related to veterans, their dependents, and/or survivors. OVS acts as a liaison for veterans between the Governor, local veteran organizations, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. OVS advocates for veterans in obtaining State and federal entitlements.
7. Mayor Mitch Roth
Say Aloha to Hawaii Island’s own Mayor Mitch Roth since December 2020 after 8 years as the County Prosecuting Attorney. His vision of a sustainable Hawaii Island has been to create a thriving community where our keiki can raise their keiki and their keiki raise their keiki. Mitch is a champion of taking care of our Veterans every day!
8. State Senator Lorraine R. Inouye (Vehicle)
Senator Lorraine R. Inouye proudly represents Senate District 1 (Hilo, Paukaa, Papaikou and Pepeekeo) and shared this “Mahalo for your continued support and I look forward to serving you over the next 4 years as your Senator. I am honored to be here today to be a part of this well deserved Veterans parade to recognize and honor our veterans. Mahalo nui for your commitment, dedication and service you gave for our beautiful country, the United States of America.
9. State Senator Joy San Buenaventura
State Senator Joy San Buenaventura represents District #2, comprising Puna. As a legislator, Senator San Buenaventura supported Filipino veteran burial rights and sponsored legislation establishing a monument honoring WWII veterans of Filipino ancestry. Her brother and in-laws are veterans and she is humbled by the valor, courage, and selflessness of all veterans.
10. State Representative Greggor Ilagan
Greggor Ilagan served in the Air National Guard and as Hawai‘i County Councilmember. Now a State Representative for Puna Makai, he was appointed Vice Speaker of the House in 2023 by Speaker Scott Saiki, serving alongside him in this leadership role.
11. County Council Member Ashley Kierkiewicz & Arya
Ashley Kierkiewicz is the Council Member for District 4 since 2018, covering Hawaiian Paradise Park to Leilani Estates to the ocean, and serves as Chair of the Policy Committee on Planning, Land Use & Development and in many other ways so all can thrive.
12. Old School Cruisers (Vet Supporters) 2 Vehicles
Normally escorting our elected officials is US Army Iraq War Veteran Randall Laronal who enjoys hanging out with friends who share a love of classic cars. Today he’s recovering from surgery on Oahu so please keep him in your prayers. His Cruising Veteran Supporters with us today are: James Franco driving a red 1946 Willys Jeep and Donny Gabriel driving his green 1942 Ford Jeep.
13. Veterans Advisory Council (Teal Thunderbird)
The Veterans Advisory Committee advises and makes recommendations to the county on island-wide veteran matters. The Chair of this committee, Michael Doolittle, is a Vietnam Veteran who actively supports veterans in many ways. Committee members come from all over the island and include: Vice-Chair, Marcia Brinkley, and today’s parade chair Deb Lewis. Michael is driving his teal Thunderbird.
14. US Navy (Carry Grand Marshal banner)
Carrying today’s Grand Marshal Parade Banner and representing the Navy we have Petty Officer Erica Williams in those legendary dress whites and retired Navy Petty Officer Aaron Tolentino, along with a few more of our Big Island's Sailors and Navy Veterans. They continue a proud tradition by deterring aggression and allowing freedom of the seas. Hooyah Navy!
15. Grand Marshal – The Hara Family
The Hara Family’s legacy of service in the military started in 1951 with the enlistment of Henry Hara. The reserve center in KMR or Keaukaha Military Reservation located across from the Airport Post office, was named in LTC Henry Hara’s honor. All four of Henry’s sons served, and that legacy of service continued through their daughters and sons until the present with Justin Hara. Their families sacrificed greatly to support their service. Cumulative years of military service by the Hara family- 330 years.
16. NG, HHT, 1st Sqdn, 299th Cav Regt Troop Transport
The Troop Transport HMMWV (pronounced “Hum “V”) carrying the remaining Grand Marshal Hara Family members is provided by the National Guard’s HHT, 1st Squadron, 299th Cavalry Regiment
17. Hilo High School Viking Band
Established in 1906, Hilo High School is rich in tradition and honor. The Hilo High School Viking Band is here today under the direction of Mrs. Ku’ulei Arceo and led by Drum Major Tyler Maag. Performing God Bless America, the band proudly represents the blue and gold pride of Hilo High School. “Once a Viking, always a Viking!”
18. Hilo High School JROTC
Following the Viking Band is the Hilo High’s JROTC or "Hilo High School's Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps’ (pronounced cores) Viking Battalion, led by Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Zhenson Mansanas-Lum Ho. 110 dedicated Cadets from grades 9-12 form this battalion. One that embodies JROTC's vision of fostering citizenship, character, and leadership development. Under the guidance of retired U.S. Army Major Jeffery Nason and Sergeant First Class Dustin Amaral, Hilo High's JROTC program strives to motivate young people to become exemplary citizens. The battalion's powerful cadence is led by Cadet Command Sergeant Major Darius Powell.
19. Yukio Okutsu State Veterans Home (Van)
Yukio Okutsu State Veterans home is Hawaii’s only post acute care and rehabilitation service provider specifically designed to serve the special needs of veterans. Our community features dedicated short term rehabilitation services and residential long-term placement. We are proud to serve our country’s finest. 20 enthusiastic members from the home are in the parade or watching from the official tents along Kamehameha Avenue, along with the home’s staff who make it all possible. Please join our staff and tell them "We love our Veterans!"
20. Yukio Okutsu American Legion Post 16 (Vehicle)
Members of the Yukio Okutsu American Legion Post 16 ride on a restored WWII jeep. First organized after WWII by veterans from the Hilo area and renamed in 2000 after Congressional Medal Honor Recipient Yukio Okutsu, Post 16 strives to support the goals of the American Legion of honoring and helping veterans, creating an awareness of national security issues, and assisting the rising generations in understanding the ideals of our country.
21. HIVM/EAH Project
Organized in 1997 to serve as a development entity for the island’s many veterans and veteran groups, HIVM’s all volunteer members of this 501c3 organization has been tirelessly working to build an affordable senior independent living community and additional support facilities for our island Veterans. This next month the EAH housing phase opens providing 92 units, with priority to Veterans.
22. Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) (Truck) (22 and 23 ride together)
23. SSG James Kimo Pihana (in MOPH vehicle)
MOPH's mission is to provide service support to Hawaii's wounded warriors to include improved access to medical specialty care for senior veterans, and to support HIVM’s efforts to provide affordable housing for Veterans. MOPH chapter Commander Lt Col USA ret. Bob Williams, and chapter Deputy Commander Kimo Pahana, are both combat veterans from the Viet Nam war. They fought and were wounded in line units actively engaged with the enemy at the height of the war in 1967-68.
Kimo is also a Hawaiian Cultural Practitioner, author, and organizer for the international American Indian Pow Wow festivities annually held in Hilo Hawaii
24. Business Parade Marshal (C& F Truck) Carrying #26
Give a big Mahalo nui to our Business Parade Marshals. We honor businesses, like C&F Truck Company, who have supported our parade in many ways for 17 years with trucks year after year. We are so grateful. As you see here today, they are carrying two very special Veteran groups:
25. VFW 3875/DAV 6 (Lowbed Flatbed Trk)
Let’s hear it for the Veterans & Auxiliary Members of Post 3875 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars – based in Hilo and known as the Orr/Onizuka Post. VFW’s 1.2 million combat veterans work tirelessly to take care of all veterans. Why? Because ‘Every veteran counts.’
DAV Hilo Chapter 6: Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Hilo Chapter 6 was founded in 1953. DAV provides the means which disabled vets can express their compassion for their fellow vets through a variety of volunteer programs and to ensure that vets and their families have access to the full range of benefits available to them.
26. Benevolent & Protective Order Of Elks #759
The Hilo Elks Lodge #759 is part of the national Elks organization to inculcate the principles of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love, and Fidelity. Members of this fraternal and charitable organization are American citizens who promote patriotism, support the youth and the community. Check out elks.org for more information.
27. Boys & Girls Club of Big Island
Boys & Girls Club of the Big Island has been a second home to various Big Island Youth for the past seven decades. From after-school academic support, cultural learning opportunities, and fun extracurriculars, BGCBI continuously supported members even during the gloom of COVID19. This year BGCBI serves a daily average of 232 members throughout nine site locations on Hawaii Island.
28. Aloha Exchange Club of East Hawaii (FLAG)
The Aloha Exchange Club of East Hawaii is a community service organization serving the Hilo area. The club’s signature project is the annual Police Officer and Firefighter of the year banquet. As part of the National Exchange organization, the club is heavily involved in the prevention of child abuse. The club meets twice a month and welcomes new members.
29. UH-Hilo Baseball Team is Carrying the Exchange Club Flag
30. Exchange Club of Hilo (Vehicle)
EXCHANGE CLUB OF HILO – like the Aloha Exchange Club is America’s service club. One key project is to give a kid a flag to wave, GIVEAKIDAFLAGTOWAVE. Today Club members will be passing out American flags along the route to children.
31. Netcom Enterprises - Veterans Jeff Gray and Jim Aldridge (2 Trucks)
Jeff Gray President of netcom Enterprises, a veteran owned company has offices in Hawaii, Washington and Oregon. Jeff was a US Army M1A1 Tank Commander and US Army Drill Sergeant. Jeff supports our veterans in many ways, to include the East Hawaii Jazz and Blues Festival and our own Veterans Day Parade providing most of the sound systems and much more. NOW DROP AND GIVE Jeff 20.
Following Jeff’s vehicle is Netcom’s Jim Aldridge, also a US Army Veteran whose primary skill was 36 Kilo– Field Wireman.
32 Hawaii Island Adult Care, Inc. (HIAC) Truck & Decorated Van
Please give a warm welcome to one of our parade’s newest participants serving our community in big ways - Hawaii Island Adult Care, also known as HIAC, is Hawaii Island’s only adult daycare center. HIAC’s mission is to provide high-quality adult daycare and caregiver services to support aging in place. Six days a week and on most holidays, HIAC provides a beautiful, safe environment for kupuna to spend their day with friends and participate in purposeful and fun activities. With over 100 kupuna enrolled and many veteran participants, they are inspired each day to live out our motto, “EVERYDAY-Celebrate Life.” And You’re all invited to come and visit our new center at 561 Kupuna Place.
33 American Legion Post 3 (Pickup w/Trailer)
The American Legion Post 3 Hilo. Celebrating 105 years in existence - from the end of World War I to today -- serving the needs of veterans and their families throughout Hawai’i Island. Founded on the Four Pillars of Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children &Youth programs. The float is driven by Post 3 Vice Commander Edwin Tolentino.
34 Botanical World Adventures (Vehicle/ Segways)
Botanical World Adventures honors the brave men and women who have served our country. Our zipline, bike and other tours are led by experienced staff, many of whom are veterans themselves. We are proud to support our veterans year around.
35 Waiakea HS Warrior Band & Color Guard
Waiākea High School Band and Color Guard perform the song “America on Parade” in honor of our veterans and their selfless sacrifice for our country. We are led by drum major Kaitlin Liu. Mahalo nui loa veterans!
36 Fire Mission-Military Honors LLC (Decorated Vehicle and Trailer)
The Fire Mission-Military Honors is a Band of Brother Veterans dedicated in paying Final Respects to Veterans, wives, Police Officers, Firefighters and Paramedics. Cmdr. Jeno Enocencio, U.S. Army combat-Vietnam Veteran has honored nearly 400 veterans beginning in 1971, during the Vietnam War _when 3 brothers in his unit were killed, and 4 were wounded during a night combat mission. May they Rest in Love.
37 VFW Post 3830 & Auxiliary (Pahoa) (C&F Med Trk)
We are Veterans from VFW Post 3830 in Pahoa with our Auxiliary members. Our mission is to honor those who served. Every Veteran Counts!
38 Hilo Products Inc. (Truck w/Trailer)
Hilo Products Inc. supporting local farmers since 1938 when Mr. Reiji Suzuki began selling daikon and pineapples and delivering products by car to Hamakua and Kau. Today under the capable leadership of Brandon Bartolome and through the hard work, dedication and honesty of his talented team, Hilo products is one of the most trusted and well-respected businesses in Hawaii.
39 Lyman House Memorial Museum (Large Golf cart)
The Lyman Museum honors ALL of America’s veterans, past, present, and future. Today, and each year between Armed Forces Day and Labor Day, card-carrying active-duty U.S. military personnel and their families—AND veterans too!—can enjoy the Lyman Museum free of charge!
40 Vietnam War Banner (Placed on 41)
Today’s military and our country owe a huge debt of gratitude for the efforts of our Vietnam Era Veterans who helped others understand the enormous sacrifices of those serving in the military. With close to 20,000 Veterans living within our island community and a large percentage having served during Vietnam. We can honor their support to our communities by genuinely thanking them and by assisting them in receiving the benefits and care they have earned.
41 Community Parade Marshal – The Wall That Heals (Large Float)
The Wall That Heals - Hawai’i County Committee. The Committee organized and hosted the 3/4 scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, along with a 54-foot Mobile Education Center, displayed along Hilo Bayfront from Jan 22-28, 2024. The exhibit attracted over 23,000 visitors, with 1,500 taking guided tours, including 600 local students. The main event on Jan 27 drew 8,000 visitors and concluded with Hilo’s first-ever F-22 Missing Man formation flyover. The Committee thanks the over 400 volunteers and numerous donors who helped make this event a tremendous success.
42 Hawai‘i Loa Chapter - Daughters of the American Revolution (Vehicle)
The Hawaiʻi Loa Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution are descendants of America’s First Veterans. This nonprofit, nonpolitical volunteer women’s service organization promotes historic preservation, education and patriotism. The Hawai'i Loa Chapter is a partner of the Vietnam War 50th Commemoration and of the Wall That Heals.
43 American Legion Post 4 Kohala (with DAR and TWTH) (Vehicle)
American Legion Post No. 4 Kohala: The American Legion has been supporting veterans and active duty service members since 1919. Anyone who has served on active duty since World War II is eligible to join. Post 4 meets in Waimea once a month. Our members live in Hawi, Kapaʻau, Waimea, Waikoloa and the surrounding area. Come see us!
44 Hilo Vet Center (Vehicle)
The Hilo and Kona Vet Centers provide counseling for Veterans and their families and referral to other agencies that help with homelessness, healthcare, elderly services, and financial needs. Hilo Vet Center group activities include fishing, golf, stand up paddle board, and basketball and hosts an annual Women Veteran Day Event and Veteran Fishing tournament. Veterans - make sure one of your first stops to live on this island is to register at your local Vet Center.
45 AARP Hawaii (Vehicle)
AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering people 50 and older to choose how they live as they age. We have an active volunteer team on Hawaii island and we offer a variety of educational and advocacy opportunities.
46 Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA) Command Team (Large Float)
Lt. Col. Tim Alvarado, commander of Pōhakuloa Training Area, along with Command Sgt. Maj. Jessica Cho and staff, wish you a happy Veteran’s Day! PTA staff is proud to live and work in the community to serve our Soldiers and island.
47 PTA Fire Engine (Large Fire Truck)
PTA also has their own Fire and Rescue section, as they respond to all emergency calls on Saddle Road, and the slopes of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa. Thank you PTA Fire and Rescue for all your efforts safeguarding folks in that area.
48 Hawaii Care Choices (formerly Hospice) (next to Rotary)
Hawai'i Care Choices is a 4 Star We Honor Veterans organization offering a community-based in-home care program designed for Veterans living with serious illness. Our Mission: To improve the lives of those we touch by offering support, guidance and compassionate care of body, mind, and spirit.
49 Rotary Clubs - Eastside
A big Mahalo to Hawaii Rotary - District 5000 Big Island East Side Clubs. Rotary International is a worldwide service organization that has over 1.5 million members and is committed to serving communities and making a positive impact globally. In Hawaii, there are currently 50 Rotary clubs consisting of 1450 members. The east side of the Big Island has four clubs, while the west side has four clubs. Rotarians are people of action and are dedicated to prioritizing service above self. Clubs representing today is Rotary Club of Hilo, South Hilo, and Hilo Bay.
50 Rotary Club - Satellite SMVF and First Responders Club SMVF Service Members, Veterans and Family
The Satellite SMVF (Service Members, Veterans and Families of) & First Responders Club is an extension of The Rotary Club of Hilo. It is the first of it's kind.
51 Together With Veterans TWV Hawaii (near Rotary) (Truck)
TWV Hawaii provides free Coffee With Veterans, Any is Too Many for Veteran Suicide Awareness, Battle Buddy Network & activities from educational classes to arts, community outreach to outdoor adventures.
52 Civil Air Patrol (Color Guard)
Please welcome the Civil Air Patrol US Air Force Auxiliary’s Lyman Field Composite Squadron of Hilo Hawaii. Meetings are held on Wednesday evenings from 5:00-8:00pm at the Hilo Airport and anyone 12 or older interested in leadership training, aerospace education, and lots of fun is welcome to attend.
53 Kea‘au High School Cougar Marching Band
The Keaau High School Cougar band is proud to honor our veteran's service to our community and country. Keaau High School recently celebrated the anniversary of their 20th graduating class, making them one of the youngest high schools on the island. The Cougar Band embraces our tradition of marching in Hilo's Veteran's Day Parade as a salute to our Veteran's.
54 HOPE Services Hawaii (Vehicle)
HOPE Services Hawai‘i, Inc. is honored to participate in this year’s Veterans Day Parade, standing in solidarity with our veterans and the entire houseless community. We recognize the sacrifices made by our service members and are committed to ensuring that every veteran has access to safe, affordable housing and supportive services. As we march together, we celebrate the resilience of our veterans and renew our commitment to providing hope and a path to stability for those who have served our country and now face the challenges of houselessness. At HOPE Services, we work tirelessly to offer a helping hand to those in need, honoring their strength and courage not just today, but every day.
55 Hawaii County Civil Defense Agency (Mobile Command Post - Large Vehicle)
Your Hawaii County Civil Defense Agency and Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) are next. We monitor the conditions on Hawaii Island to provide you with the latest information. Take the time to visit the Civil Defense webpage at hawaiicounty.gov to sign-up for alerts and to be informed. If we can reach you, we can alert you!
56 American Red Cross
American Red Cross services for veterans date back to World War I. In Hilo, at the ONLY State Veterans Home in Hawaii, our volunteers proudly support resident veterans through activities such as kupuna drumming exercises, Bingo, and a weekly snack cart. If you would like to support our veteran community, sign up to become a Red Cross volunteer!
57 Scouting America-Aloha Council Pukahi District
Scouting America- Aloha Council , Pukahi District: The Scouting experience helps our young people learn respect and reverence for their Aina and their islalnd home. They learn the values of kuleana, malama and laulima, taking care of one another and their community. The Scouting program invites all girls and boys to join our organization.
58 Girl Scouts of Hawaii
Girl Scouts of Hawaii - Forever Friendships Starts with us! Girl Scouts bring their dreams to life and work together to build a better world. As they discover their strengths and rise to new challenges, Girl Scouts develop the confidence to consistently step forward, defy norms, and turn ideas into action. Backed by trusted volunteers, mentors, and millions of alums, Girl Scouts lead the way as they find their voices and make changes that affect the issues most important to them.
59 Horse Mounted Unit Puu Moi Riders
Puu Moi Riders consists of the youngest being 4 years old, and the eldest being 85 years old. The members of the Puu Moi riders are outfitted with the colors of the U.S. Flag.
60 PuroClean of the Big Island
Commercial or residential property damage from natural disasters is always a potential threat on Hawai'i Island. It’s great to know that PuroClean of The Big Island are the paramedics of property damage to remediate and restore your property damage needs and they’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The experts at PuroClean extend a big Mahalo to our Veterans and all who serve our community each day.
61 Red Ribbon Week Campaign
Red Ribbon Week Campaign is the largest, longest serving drug prevention organization in America. Red Ribbon Week October 23-31 memorializes DEA special agent Enriqué “Kiki” Camarena, killed in the line of duty in Mexico in 1985. The red ribbon remembers his sacrifice and inspires our kids to be drug-free. Join us today in our MISSION!
62 Hawaii Horse Owners Association - Panaewa Stampede Rodeo (Horses)
Hawaii Horse Owners Association is a family-oriented horse club. They enjoy family trail rides, riding in parades, family fun days, and of course Rodeos like the Panaewa Stampede happening this 4-6 April 2025. They actively promote our Hawaiian Paniolo Culture with horseback riding and equestrian care.
63 Knights of Columbus Assembly 2938
Hilo Knights of Columbus are members of Assembly 2938, which is the Patriotic Degree of the Knights. Our Assembly members are also from St Joseph's Council 15952 which promotes Charity, Unity and Fraternity. All activities focus on family, church and community.
64 East Hawaii County Republican Party (Vehicle)
The East Hawaii County Republican Party proudly supports our Veterans by working with them to build patriotic grassroots communities. We will work together to Make America Great Again! Your communities need your help today for a better tomorrow. Please join us as we restore the Republic together.
65 911 Storage (Flatbed truck with Storage Pod)
911 Storage, a locally owned family container rental business. "We bring the storage to your stuff". 911 Storage would like to extend special heartfelt thanks to all the veterans for protecting our freedoms. Happy Veterans Day.
66 Order of the Eastern Star Hawaii Chapter #1 (Tesla)
The Hilo Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, better known as OES, was founded
in 1898 and was the first Chapter established off the mainland USA. The OES is part of the Masonic Family in which both men and women attend. Our purpose is to assist others by raising money for Cancer Research, Shrine Hospitals for Children, endowments to the University of Hawaii, Hilo, Hawaii Community College and Hawaii Community Foundation. Questions are always welcome.
67 UH-Hilo Vulcans Tennis Teams (Parade Support)
The UH Hilo Vulcans Teams supporting the parade today would like to thank all Veterans for their selfless service and to recognize spouses and family members of Veterans for their support. The Men and Women’s Tennis Teams have been supporting the Staging Area. They’d like to thank our Veterans for allowing them the freedom to play sports and to attend this university. They want to honor those servicemembers still in countries abroad and to those that gave the ultimate sacrifice. We look forward to your support at our athletic events this upcoming year. Go Vulcans!
68 Staging Area Volunteers (Lions Club, HCC led by Kirk Mikami)
69 Hawaii Island Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals and Kiwanis Volunteers (Supported 6 Route Announcers)
70 Business Parade Marshal - Conen's Freight Transport
Give a big Mahalo nui to another of our Business Parade Marshals. We honor businesses, like Conen’s Freight Transport, who have supported our parade in many ways for 17 years with trucks year after year. We are so grateful. Today, they help us close out our music today with a very exciting entry.
71 Taishoji Taiko (Conen's Trk)
We’re thrilled to have Taishoji Taiko. Celebrating 35 years, the group has developed a kumi daiko style that embraces both tradition and innovation. Taishoji Taiko has been recognized for their engaging and energetic performances at various community events, including Waimea’s annual Cherry Blossom Festival. They are honored to be part of the parade and wish to dedicate their performance in gratitude to our veterans.
72 Save the Date Banner - 8 Nov 2025 (back of Taishoji Taiko Truck)
Be sure to mark your calendars right now to be right here again next year on 8 November 2025 for our 18th Annual Hawaii Island Veterans Day Parade
73 Hawaii Fire Department - Pepeekeo Fire #1
Joining us today and closing out our parade is Toni Bello, part of Volunteer Fire Company 1-Alpha stationed in Pepeekeo. This Volunteer Company first started in the Plantation days over 30 years ago. It now has 12 Volunteer Firefighters and is always looking forward to serving our community. Put your hands together to thank our island Fire Department team, who stay vigilant to keep us safe 24/7.
Mahalo nui to all our fabulous participants and spectators of all ages who make this day so special by honoring the many ways our community serves others.
74 UH-60H Black Hawk (flyover)
Be sure to keep your eyes and ears out for our aviation participants. Today, a military UH 60 Black Hawk is flying. This helicopter is a four-blade, twin-engine, medium-lift utility military helicopter capable of diverse missions and part of our Hawaii Army National Guard’s inventory. Thanks to the coordination of Major Sean Schultz and members of Hilo’s Aviation Support Facility.
75 Veteran Richard Bridges Flying a Grumman Cheetah (Flyover)
Flying a silver Grumman Is Vietnam Veteran ADA Richard Bridges who served on the USS Forestall Aircraft Carrier with Squadron VAQ130 Zappers (Fly by) Cheetah tail # N9654U
76 Brian Danial (Breezy) (Flyover)
Brian Danial is an Army veteran flying his Breezy — it looks like the airframe is unfinished.